Carly connects God's Word with today's journey.


Carly connects God's Word with today's journey.


Carly Bartlett is a national speaker, making the Word of God come alive through sharing out-of-the-box illustrations and hilarious personal stories (like that one time she put a metal pot in the microwave). Carly’s messages will provide much-needed moments of laughter, profound moments of authentic reflection, and practical Biblical tools which will equip the church to share the contagious love of Jesus.

Are you interested in having Carly come speak at your next event, retreat, camp, or conference?

Danielle Strickland Quote about Carly Bartlett
Carly Bartlett Preaching Eagle Nazarene Church

Carly loves partnering with her artist husband, Mike, to communicate messages in uniquely creative ways. 

Carly’s desire is to support your God-given vision. It is one of her absolute favorite things to connect with churches, communities, and organizations to equip Jesus followers to live with purpose and passion. Carly loves to speak about the topics below, but she’d also love dreaming with you about messages that are most fitting for your community now.

  • Ditching perfection and finding purpose 
  • Letting go of the illusion of control
  • Living with courage instead of fear
  • Experiencing God’s peace in stillness
  • Participating in the restoration story that God is writing in the world
  • Seeing the God-potential in all people
Carly and Mike also love ministering together. If you are interested in preaching with live art, they’d love to chat with you about your event. 
Carly Bartlett preaching Eagle Nazarene Church

  Have you heard Carly speak?